Turku Baltic Sea Days
3-4 June 2014, Turku, Finland

Conclusions of the parallel work stream session ‘Next steps to save the sea’:
- There is a growing body of evidence showing that protecting and restoring the Baltic Sea actually will contribute to and secure economic and job growth. Failing to secure a healthy Baltic Sea, will not only cause ecological ruin, it will significantly undermine the region’s future potential for economic growth and job creation.
- The initiatives to improve the marine environment should not been seen as costs, but as necessary and profitable investments for the future – especially given that there is market for the innovations and solutions created by doing so; Commercial incentives need to be improved.
- Together we need to increase accountability and that the already agreed policies get implemented; to secur an integrated approach between the public and private sector, with the support of good governance at all levels. Cooperation is crucial.
- Not only can we secure the Baltic Sea’s health so that it can continue to deliver the ecosystem services we rely on today, but we can also secure its place as a source of innovation and global competiveness and something that further unites all the countries around it.

Incentives and disincentives – making investments & reorientation of practice economically viable to the private sector
3 June 2014 at 14:00 – 15:30
Joint protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea is a priority for all coastal states, since the signing of the Helsinki Convention forty years ago. The environmental cooperation under the EU Strategy can lead to even better results, for the benefit of all, if businesses are engaged to a greater extent and good conditions are created for green innovation and investments in the sectors with best potential for profitability.
The session will look more closely into the work plans deriving from the 2013 HELCOM Ministerial Declaration, a package of extensive actions and measures for improving the status of the Baltic Sea, and how these could be coupled with responsible and sustainable profit-making.
Moderator: Pauli Merriman, Director for WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme
Session participants:
Eeva-Liisa Poutanen, EU Marine Director in Finland, Ministry of the Environment:
Next steps to achieve Good Environmental Status of the Baltic Sea
Where the progress is presently lacking behind when pursuing the Good Environmental Status by 2020/2021? What are the exact new decisions of the HELCOM 2013 Copenhagen Ministerial Declaration where business involvement could especially be enhanced?
Heini Ahtiainen, Research Scientist, MTT Agrifood Research Finland
Underestimated potential of marine and coastal ecosystem services
What are the benefits provided by ecosystem services of the Baltic Sea? The presentation discusses how ecosystem service assessments can increase awareness and promote sustainable and efficient use of the Baltic Sea resources.
Maija Sirola, Communications Manager, BONUS Programme
How BONUS works to promote innovative approaches to secure a healthy Baltic Sea? The Programme provides an important link between the public and private sector and gives support for new technologies as well as models and approaches.
Hanna Paulomäki, Baltic Project Manager, Oceana
Benefits for private sector of efficiently managed and ecologically coherent marine protected areas
Sharing OCEANA’s views on opportunities for wise management of Baltic marine protected areas and potential for sustainable growth through smart solutions for utilising ecosystem services of the Baltic Sea.
Juhan Sargava, WWF Baltic Farmer of the Year 2013, Estonia
Wise nutrient management in agriculture – good business and better protection of the marine environment
The winner of the latest eco-farmer award for the whole region tells his first-person accounts in sustainable agricultural production, living in harmony with nature and without harmful impact to the environment.