
HELCOM is not only the focal point for data on the Baltic Sea marine environment but data is also collected related to shipping. The following data related to shipping is collected:
- Traffic Statistics
- Airborne emissions
- Cruise ships and passenger traffic
- Accidents
- Illegal spills
- Oil transportation
- Ballast water and alien species
- Port reception facilities
- Response Capacity
- Re-survey
HELCOM strives to achieve the Baltic Sea Action Plan target:
Towards a Baltic Sea with maritime activities carried out in an environmentally friendly way.
To reach the goal the following eight management objectives, indicating areas of major importance, have been agreed upon:
- Enforcement of international regulations – No illegal discharges
- Safe maritime traffic without accidental pollution
- Efficient emergency and response capability
- Minimum sewage pollution from ships
- No introductions of alien species from ships
- Minimum air pollution from ships
- Zero discharges from offshore platforms
- Minimum threats from offshore installations
These management objectives do not directly describe the good ecological and environmental state of the Baltic Sea, but they rather indicate the main areas of concern as to the human activity at sea and its possible negative impact.