Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

Sufficiency of measures

The aim of the sufficiency of measures (SOM) analysis is to assess what kind of improvements in environmental state and pressures can be achieved with existing measures by 2030-2035, and whether these are sufficient to achieve good environmental status (GES) in the Baltic Sea. The information will be used to support the update of the BSAP and identification of new measures.

This is the first time the sufficiency of measures is assessed in this extent in the Baltic Sea region. It brings together natural and social sciences approaches and addresses multiple environmental topics (birds, mammals, fish, benthic habitats, hazardous substances, marine litter, underwater noise, non-indigenous species and input of nutrients). The same approach is applied across all topics to ensure comparability and coherence.

Sufficiency of measures analysis is carried out by the HELCOM SOM Platform and HELCOM ACTION project.

Components of the SOM analysis 

Background document


Webinar on sufficiency of measures 20 January 2020

The webinar introduces the sufficiency of measures (SOM) analysis by describing the overall SOM approach and by explaining how the data from the expert surveys will be used in the SOM model. It provides detailed information on the use of survey responses in the SOM model, including the activity-pressure linkages, the effectiveness of measures and pressure-state linkages. One of the aims is to provide background information for the HELCOM Working Groups who will validate the data used in the SOM model. The webinar was arranged by the HELCOM Secretariat together with the HELCOM ACTION project.

More information/contacts:

  • Luke Dodd – Luke.Dodd(at)