Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission


Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

HELCOM countries submit Baltic Sea NECA application to IMO

​​Final stage for HELCOM in making the Baltic Sea area cleaner from Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions from ships was reached in the Heads of Delegation meeting in Laulasmaa, Estonia this week. The final decision on whether the Baltic Sea becomes a NOx Emission Control Area (NECA) is in the hands of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). According to estimates, Baltic Sea NECA has potential to reduce the annual nitrogen input cost-efficiently and significantly – around 7 kilotons – to the Baltic Sea. NOx emissions from shipping is a major source of airborne deposition of nitrogen, aggravating the serious eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.​The Baltic Sea NECA application will be submitted in parallel to a similar NECA document from the North Sea countries. For the industry this will be useful as the two neighbouring NECA areas will create an area with identical requirements. Moreover, HELCOM will continue to promote and also follow up on the impact of applying advanced technologies, such as the ones leading to the establishment of Baltic NECA. Other decisions by the delegates from all the Baltic coastal states as well as the EU include the launching of a public online follow up system – HELCOM Explorer – for reviewing progress in accomplishing the majority of HELCOM commitments and publishing of a new assessment on pharmaceuticals. In addition, the meeting participants approved two guidelines related to maritime spatial planning (): Guidelines on transboundary consultations, public participation and co-operation, and a second set for the implementation of ecosystem-based approach in MSP in the Baltic Sea area. Another agreement by the delegates is to change the hosting of data on ships’ movement in the Baltic – HELCOM Automatic Identification System (AIS) – from Denmark to Norway by the end of this year. All Baltic Sea countries being also EU member states provide AIS information to European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) via the HELCOM AIS, and hosting by Norway will ensure the continuation of this service. The two-year period of the Estonian Chairmanship of HELCOM will be terminated in two weeks and the turn is handed over to the European Union with their Chairmanship priorities already finalized. Reflections on the accomplishments of HELCOM in relation to the priorities of the Estonian Chairmanship were presented in the meeting and published in writing soon. . All meeting documents will be made available soon after the Meeting.Matjaz Malgaj of EU, forthcoming Vice-Chair of HELCOM (left), ​receives the symbolic key of HELCOM Chairmanship from Harry Liiv of Estonia, the current Chair until 30 June 2016.​* * *Note for editorsThe Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region.* * *For more information, please contact:Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988Skype: helcom70E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)​

Decision made this week unanimously by HELCOM Heads of Delegation; potential for considerable Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) reductions

MEDIA ADVISORY – Oil disaster exercise in the Baltic Sea

​What                     Oil response exercise HELCOM Balex Delta 2016 When                   Tuesday 21 June 2016 at 09.00–15.00 (CET). Operational phase at sea and on the shore. Debriefing at 18.00–19.00                                                                Who                      Fifteen specially equipped response vessels from eight Baltic coastal countries; Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden, and around 120 participants of the national shoreline response exercise.                                 Where                  Exercise area at sea: North of Klaipeda port, LithuaniaExercise area on the shore: Karkle beach, north of Klaipeda town in front of Zilvitis camp Exercise debriefing: Amberton Klaipeda Hotel, Naujojo Sodo g. 1C WhyThe HELCOM Balex Delta exercise simulates a large real life oil catastrophe in one of the most vulnerable – and busiest – sea areas in the world. The goal is to recover as much oil as possible in the open sea before it would reach the shores, as estimates are that this is roughly ten times more cost-efficient than shoreline clean-up. The annual HELCOM Balex Delta is hosted this year by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre of the Lithuanian Navy. The shore operation is coordinated by Klaipeda City Fire and Rescue Service. More than forty persons, many from outside the region, have signed up as observers of the exercise. The exercise programme, list of participating units at sea and on shore, as well as the list of vessels and equipment are provided as attachments. HELCOM Balex Delta, organized since the late 1980s, test the procedures documented in the HELCOM Response Manual and the response capability of the HELCOM member countries in case of a major accident and an international response operation. The general objective of the Balex Delta exercises is to ensure that every Contracting Party is able to lead a major response operation. Media representatives are asked to apply for accreditationby 17 June 2016, by providing contact information (name, media, e-mail, phone number) * * *Note for editors:The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organisation of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region.HELCOM is the governing body of the “Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area,” more usually known as the Helsinki Convention, from 1974. * * *For further information, please contact:Johanna Laurila (Ms)Information SecretaryHELCOMMobile: +358 40 523 8988E-mail: johanna.laurila(at) Antanas Brencius (Mr.)Civil-Military Co-operation (CIMIC) OfficerMaritime rescue coordination centerTel: +370 46 391 207Mobile: +370 698 18 196E-mail:

The annual oil response exercise HELCOM Balex Delta 2016 will be held in Klaipeda, Lithuania on 21 June – please accreditate by 17 June 2016.

Toxic waste landfill Krasnyi Bor visited by HELCOM experts

​​​​Finding cost-efficient solutions to remediate the pollution from a large waste landfill Krasnyi Bor in St. Petersburg, Russia, is the main reason for a study visit to the site today. Experts from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Russia and Sweden will be joined by representatives of national environmental administrations, international financial institutions, NGOs as well as regional and federal environmental authorities of Russia. The study visit is organized by the Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the City of St. Petersburg.Krasnyi Bor waste landfill area. Photo from HELCOM BASE Project report, Status of HELCOM Hot Spots in Russia. The alarming situation of the toxic waste landfill Krasnyi Bor located in the vicinity of the city of St. Petersburg was discussed at the last HELCOM Annual in March. HELCOM , which is the subsidiary body responsible for matters related to land based pollution of the Baltics Sea, was mandated in April to consider the situation around the “Hot Spot”. As a result, the visitors will explore today the site itself in order to discuss the most acute aspects of the problem as well as elaborate further plans of the possible involvement of the international experts and financial institutions into the joint effort on remediation of the site.The plan for the day is to visit both the covered and open storages with toxic wastes. The participants will also check the water treatment facility and discuss its operation as well as visit the water drainage system of the landfill including internal and encircling channels, water collectors, accumulating ponds and other elements.The list of HELCOM – significant pollution sites around the Baltic Sea – was originally established in the beginning of 1990s, as a part of HELCOM’s efforts to foster international cooperation and coordination to resolve the most acute environmental problems of the Baltic Sea. Since then, three quarters of the Hot Spots have been removed from the list due to systematic mitigation work by the coastal states.  Nonetheless, some of the polluting sites still remain on the HELCOM agenda.  * * * Note for editorsWorking to safeguard the marine environment from pollution and ensure safe navigation in the Baltic Sea, acts as the governing body of the 1974 Helsinki Convention. HELCOM’s official name is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission. * * * For more information, please contact:Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky Professional Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 630 9933 E-mail: dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at) Daria Golovinova Consular of the Chair of the Committee Sector for international cooperation and environmental education The Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological SafetyCity of St. Petersburg, RussiaTel: +7 812 417 59 39E-mail: golovinova(at)​

Finding cost-efficient solutions to remediate the pollution from a large waste landfill Krasnyi Bor in St. Petersburg, Russia, is the main reason for a study visit to the site today.

International Workshop on Port Reception Facilities (PRF) for the Baltic Sea

​​​​International Workshop on Port Reception Facilities for the Baltic Sea as Special Area according to MARPOL Annex IV will be organized on 30 June – 1 July 2016 in Kiel, Germany.The workshop is organized by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in cooperation with the Port of Kiel and Baltic Ports Organization (BPO) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). ​The Baltic Sea is a particularly sensitive while at the same time highly cruised sea. Despite many efforts, the accumulation of nutrients and organic matter in the Baltic Sea, coming from different fields of human activity, including sewage from passenger ships, is too high and has significant effects on the sensitive marine ecosystem. A comprehensive network of Baltic ports with adequate port reception facilities (PRFs) for sewage from passenger ships is needed as are enhanced information exchange and improved cooperation among all involved stakeholder groups.  The workshop therefore aims at participation of 2-3 representatives from each country representing politics, administration, municipal sewage treatment providers, ports, plus cruise/shipping industry and NGOs, to update and inform each other on latest developments including implementation options. ​

Registration by 10 June – workshop in Kiel, Germany for representatives of politics, administration, municipal sewage treatment providers, ports, plus cruise/shipping industry and NGOs.

Radioactivity in the Baltic Sea keeps declining

​​The HELCOM expert group on radioactive substances has reviewed this week the latest scientific reports for the year 2015 revealing that for the first time, in the Southern Baltic in the Southern Baltic, Caesium-137 concentrations in surface waters are below the pre-Chernobyl target level of 15 Bq/m3. The decrease is most likely due to the exceptionally large saline water inflow from the North Sea into the Baltic Sea reported in December 2014*. The radioactivity levels have for long been declining in all the sub-basins of the Baltic Sea but this is the first time that the results have dropped this low, at Flensburg Fjord and Bornholm deep in the Southern Baltic.​Levels of radioactivity in the Baltic Sea are measure from e.g flounder. Photo: Petra KääriäIn their meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, the Expert Group on Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in the Baltic Sea (MORS EG) has also discussed the next thematic assessment of long-term changes in Baltic Sea radioactivity 2011–2015, with delivery now scheduled at 2017 as this will match the purposes of HOLAS II, the Second holistic Baltic-wide assessment in 2018. Further, the group will update the HELCOM core indicator “Radioactive substances: Caesium-137 in fish and surface waters” with latest data for the year 2015. In addition, the group has also reviewed and quality assured the annual data submissions to the HELCOM and , containing an unbroken time series from 1984 and 1952, respectively. The meeting, chaired by the MORS EG Chair Ms Tarja Ikäheimonen, was participated also by International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA), notifying the addition of HELCOM MORS environmental data to IAEA’s .  ​ *.   . All documents are public after the Meeting. * * * Note for editorsThe Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention. * * * For more information, please contact:Tarja K. Ikäheimonen Chair of HELCOM MORS Expert Group Environmental Radiation Surveillance and Emergency Preparedness STUK – Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Tel. +358 400 811 254 E-mail: Tarja.Ikaheimonen(at) Johanna Laurila Information Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 523 8988 Skype: helcom70 E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)

For the first time, at two monitoring sites, Caesium-137 concentrations in surface waters are below the pre-Chernobyl target level.

Workshop in Russia advances NECA for ships in Baltic and North Seas

​​​Russian Federation hosts a this week on Baltic Sea and North Sea NECAs in St. Petersburg, to advance the action after the decision by the countries of both sea areas to apply in parallel for a NECA status from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). When enforced, the Emission Control Areas (ECA) for Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), will considerably limit the polluting emissions from ships.Group photo of the workshop participants. Click to enlargeThe major basis for the workshop is the revised for the Baltic Sea and the North Sea NECAs, agreed on at the last HELCOM Annual Meeting in March 2016. The agreed deadline for a North and Baltic Sea simultaneous application for IMO is 1 July 2016. The two-day session is aimed for stakeholders, including governance bodies and administrators as well as technology developers, ship owners and port authorities. Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions from shipping is one of the sources of airborne deposition of Nitrogen, aggravating the serious eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. According to estimates, Baltic Sea NECA has potential to reduce cost-efficiently and significantly – around 7 kilotons – Nitrogen input to the Baltic Sea annually after a time lag needed for fleet renewal as the regulation addresses only new ships. The initiative for a Baltic Sea NECA emerges from the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan, agreed by the nine coastal countries and the EU in 2007. Since then, HELCOM has carried out the necessary environmental and economic studies, finalized the needed submission papers as well as carried out the negotiations on the right timing for a final submission to IMO. This anticipated reduction is significant and corresponds to more than the entire country-wise Nitrogen pollution load reduction commitment of several Baltic Sea countries – four out of nine – according to the HELCOM Country Allocated Reduction Target (CART) scheme agreed in 2007, and updated in 2013.​ * * *Note for editorsDuring the last decade shipping has steadily increased in the Baltic Sea, reflecting intensifying co-operation and economic prosperity around the region. The of HELCOM, originally established in 1975, identifies and promotes actions to limit sea-based pollution and ways for safer navigation. It also works to ensure enforcement and harmonized implementation of international shipping regulations in accordance to the 1992 Helsinki Convention. The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. * * *For more information, please contact:Natalia KutaevaVice-Chair of HELCOM Maritime GroupCouncellor to the Director, Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot (MRS)Tel: +7 4956261806E-mail: kutaevang(at) Hermanni BackerProfessional Secretary for Maritime, Response and Fish groupsHELCOMTel:  +358 46 8509199E-mail: hermanni.backer(at) Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)

Baltic Sea NECA has potential to reduce cost-efficiently and significantly the nitrogen input to the Baltic Sea – around 7 kilotons per year.

HELCOM and CLIA jointly organise workshop on cruise industry’s future in the Baltic Sea

​​​​The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission () and the Cruise Lines International Association () have jointly held a on the cruise industry and the Baltic Sea. Organised in the framework of the, which is being celebrated in Turku, Finland this week, the workshop on “Effective solutions for responsible growth” has given participants a chance to discuss a range of issues regarding the cruise industry’s present and future in the Baltic.Moderated by Hermanni Backer, HELCOM, the workshop speakers included Tom Strang, Carnival Corp.; Anna Petersson, Swedish Transport Agency; Kirsti Tarnanen-Sariola, European Sea Ports Organisation; and Pauli Merriman, WWF Ecoregion Programme. Together they have discussed a range of relevant topics, such as the industry’s economic impact in the Baltic countries, state-of-the art developments in the cruise industry, and the potential for maritime stakeholders’ cooperation for responsible growth.Together with the audience, the speakers have also discussed some of the challenges that the industry faces, particularly in terms of sustainability and environmental protection, focusing on issues such as ships’ air emissions abatement and wastewater treatment and discharges. They provided suggestions to remove bottlenecks for a prosperous future of cruising and a sustainable maritime economy in the Baltic.Particularly on the topic of wastewater discharges, the International Maritime Organization has recently designated the Baltic Sea as a Special Area under MARPOL Annex IV, banning passenger ships from discharging sewage offshore from 2019/2021. The discussion focused on the practicalities of its implementation, particularly the need to expand and improve the region’s network of port reception facilities in order to make sure that cruise ships will be able to discharge their sewage while at berth.”Sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region is a common goal and regional collaboration is vital,” said Anna Petersson, Head of Environment Section at Swedish Transport Agency and the Chair of HELCOM Maritime Group. “It is important to investigate possibilities and incentives for voluntary application prior and beyond regulations.””All stakeholders should work together in order to find pragmatic, workable solutions that help ensure the Baltic Sea’s sustainability and also the cruise industry’s future in the region for years to come,” said Tom Strang, SVP Maritime Affairs at Carnival Corp. and & Chair of CLIA Europe’s Environment, Safety and Security Subcommittee. “There is an urgent need to balance economic and environmental policies so that they complement each other, rather than get in each other’s way.” * * * Notes for editors About HELCOMHELCOM (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – Helsinki Commission) is the governing body of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, known as the Helsinki Convention. The Contracting Parties are Denmark, Estonia, the European Union, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden. HELCOM was established four decades ago to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution through intergovernmental cooperation. HELCOM’s vision for the future is a healthy Baltic Sea environment with diverse biological components functioning in balance, resulting in a good ecological status and supporting a wide range of sustainable economic and social activities. For more information, visit and follow HELCOM and pages bout CLIA Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) is the unified voice and leading authority of the global cruise community. As the largest cruise industry trade association with 15 offices globally, CLIA has representation in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australasia. CLIA’s mission is to support policies and practices that foster a safe, secure and healthy cruise ship environment for the more than 23 million passengers who cruise annually, as well as to promote the value, desirability and affordability of the cruise vacation experience. Members are comprised of the world’s most prestigious ocean, river and specialty cruise lines; a highly trained and certified travel agent community; and cruise line suppliers and partners, including ports & destinations, ship development, suppliers and business services, committed to the sustained success of the cruise industry. For more information, visit or follow Cruise Lines International Association on CLIA and pages * * * For more information, please contact:Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988E-mail: johanna.laurila(at) Diego Llorens Echegaray ADVISOR | COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC AFFAIRSCruise Lines International Association (CLIA) EuropeRue Montoyer 40 | Brussels 1000Tel. +32 488 889 153​E-mail: g​​

Cruise industry stakeholders discuss effective solutions for responsible growth in the framework of the Eu-ropean Maritime Day.

Healthy Baltic Sea and sustainable growth discussed by the Ministers

​​HELCOM high level session spoke strongly for cross-sectoral and integrated approach in maritime policies High level participants from the Baltic Sea countries and EU, including the European Commissioner Karmenu Vella and Minister of Agriculture and the Environment of Finland Kimmo Tiilikainen, debated yesterday in a HELCOM session in Turku Finland, about how to protect the marine environment while enabling sustainable use and blue economy. ​ HELCOM Executive Secretary Monika Stankiewicz, European Commissioner Karmenu Vella and Minister of Agriculture and the Environment of Finland Kimmo Tiilikainen​.It was pointed out that the economic activities from our seas and oceans that respect environmental boundaries – blue growth – is a great opportunity. The economy depends on healthy seas and there is vast untapped potential for sustainable growth at sea. Protecting our seas and oceans can only be effective if it is seen as a common task within sectorial policies. Moreover, evaluating and demonstrating economic benefits derived from a healthy Baltic Sea is a key factor for ensuring environmental sustainability in economic growth. There is a role to play for RSCs such as HELCOM in reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted last fall also by all the Baltic coastal states. The participants brought up many examples from marine sectors such as marine litter, shipping, fisheries and maritime spatial planning, among others, where successful national practices have taken place – and also where regional governance, and integrated policies, should be of particular concern.                                                                                           “Working with HELCOM brings all Baltic countries and the EU together in their efforts to protect the marine environment in the Baltic Sea and to ensure that it provides a sustainable future for marine life and people who earn their living from it,” said Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner of Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. “HELCOM is a great example of effective regional ocean governance and during our forthcoming Chairmanship we intend to make it even stronger.  During our HELCOM presidency over the next two years we will focus on three main priorities: improving our response to the challenges the Baltic Sea faces; managing its resources sustainably; and promoting knowledge and innovation.” Kimmo Tiilikainen, Minister of Agriculture and the Environment of Finland said that only if all countries bordering the sea continue to work actively, engage private actors and companies likewise – and find clever and effective ways to take the action that is needed – will the Baltic Sea become and remain clean and healthy. A lot has already been achieved but there is still a great challenge ahead of us – which can also be seen as an opportunity. The Minister also reminded that the high-level HELCOM session of today facilitates the preparations and way forward to the next HELCOM Ministerial Meeting scheduled for 2018.  The HELCOM Ministerial Session, hosted by the Finnish Environment Minister, was open for public and attracted a large audience. The event was arranged simultaneously with the 2016 European Maritime Day. The video recording of the event will be made available through the event web page by the end of May.​Session participants:Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission Kimmo Tiilikainen, Minister of the Environment of Finland Harry Liiv, HELCOM Chair, Ministry of the Environment of EstoniaJan Olsson, Environment Ambassador, Ministry of the Environment and Energy/Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Heike Imhoff, EU Water Director at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear SafetySilver Vahtra, Head of Delegation for HELCOM, Ministry for the Environment of EstoniaJoanna Kopczyńska, Head of Delegation for HELCOM, Ministry of the Environment of Poland * * * Note for editorsThe Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.  * * * For more information, please contact:Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988Skype: helcom70​E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)

High level participants spoke strongly for cross-sectoral and integrated approach in maritime policies in HELCOM Ministerial Session.

Reserve your seat at the HELCOM high level debate

​​​​High level politicians and professionals on Baltic environmental policy will debate next week about strategic directions for future HELCOM cooperation in protecting the Baltic Sea. The seats are limited so please and ensure your place in the unique session—usually HELCOM high level sessions are not open to all public. The session on
18 May 2016 at 13-15 in Turku, Finland will also be streamed live and can be watched via the . The participants from the Baltic sea countries and EU, including the European Commissioner Karmenu Vella and Minister of the Environment of Finland Kimmo Tiilikainen, are invited to discuss about how to protect the marine environment while enabling sustainable use and blue economy. They are expected to present the best cases of successful cross-sectoral cooperation that benefit the marine environment and bring up new ideas for improving the governance of the seas. Efforts are already underway both at HELCOM and elsewhere to reach out to sectors and jointly discuss possible solutions and measures for marine environmental protection. Some attempts are more successful than others; one reason is the mismatch of scales. The regional level is the most suitable scale to address marine environment problems in the Baltic Sea due to special characteristics of the sea and transboundary effects. This, however, does not necessarily hold true for sectoral policies. The role of the Regional Seas Conventions in marine governance has been a successful one in many regions of the globe, as they engage neighbouring countries in specific actions to protect their shared marine environment. A healthy marine environment underpins sustainable blue growth. An important part of the debate, attended also by HELCOM Chair, will be looking into the future, as the session will initiate a series of high level gatherings prior to the next HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in 2018.    * * * Note for editors​The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.  * * * For more information, please contact:Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988Skype: helcom70E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)

New inspiration for the Baltic Sea environmental cooperation sought after in Ministerial session on 18 May-

MEDIA ADVISORY: HELCOM Ministerial Session 18 May

​​What HELCOM : How to protect the marine environment while enabling sustainable use and blue economy Who                  Some confirmed participants:Mr. Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission; Mr. Kimmo Tiilikainen, Minister of Agriculture and the Environment of Finland;Mr. Harry Liiv, HELCOM Chair, Ministry of the Environment of EstoniaMr. Jan Olsson, Environment Ambassador, Ministry of the Environment and Energy/Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden;Ms Heike Imhoff, Head of Unit responsible for marine environmental protection and international sea law at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety When    Wednesday 18 May 2016 at 13.00-15.00. Time reserved for media at 14.50-15.00* Where   Auditorium MOVE 2, Logomo, Köydenpunojankatu 14, Turku, Finland WhyThe key aim of the session is to discuss strategic directions for future HELCOM cooperation in protecting the Baltic Sea. What are the best cases of successful cross-sectoral cooperation that benefit the marine environment? Can participants suggest new ideas for improving the governance of the seas, particularly through regional cooperation?Efforts are underway both at HELCOM and elsewhere to reach out to sectors and jointly discuss possible solutions and measures for marine environmental protection. Some attempts are more successful than others; one reason is the mismatch of scales. The regional level is the most suitable scale to address marine environment problems in the Baltic Sea due to special characteristics of the sea and transboundary effects. This, however, is does not necessarily hold true for sectoral policies.A healthy marine environment underpins sustainable blue growth. The participants are expected to have an outlook for the future concerning different sectors but also the general wellbeing of the region. Moreover, the session will initiate a series of high level gatherings prior to the next HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in 2018.   * Media time is reserved at around 14.50. To access the premises please contact he HELCOM Information Secretary, johanna.laurila(at); tel. +358 40 5238988 by 13 May noon at the latest.* * *HELCOM is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention.​* * * For more information, please contact:Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988Skype: helcom70E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)​

Inquire for interviews – debate about how to protect the marine environment while enabling sustainable use and blue economy.