Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission


Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

HELCOM delegates discuss the key Baltic Sea goals of 2017

​​​​​​​Greenlighting key tools and indicators for State of the Baltic Sea report a major topic in HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting this week High-level segment on ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals to take place on 28 February 2017   Delegations representing all Baltic coastal states as well as the EU this week at HELCOM headquarters to discuss and decide on the best measures for improving the Baltic marine environment. HELCOM holistic assessment 2017, a major discussion point by HELCOM delegates this week, will also rely on the upgraded tools to assess the themes of biodiversity, hazardous substances and eutrophication. Photo: Metsähallitus NHS/Niina Kurikka.The meeting participants will face major decisions required for completing HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report (), first results due in mid-2017. Draft Recommendations on sewage sludge and conservation of underwater biotopes and habitats are expecting agreement. The 2-day meeting will also discuss the final plans for the HELCOM high-level segment on ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals, taking place on 28 February 2017.The delegates, observers and other stakeholders attending the meeting in Helsinki, Finland will seek final unanimity for few main components of the State of the Baltic Sea report (HOLAS II, full name: Second Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea). The final shape of used for the assessment must now be agreed on. The holistic assessment will also rely on the upgraded tools to assess the themes of biodiversity, hazardous substances and eutrophication, improved since the previous Holistic Assessment of 2010, and two of them are expecting final blessings from the delegations this week.One of the many HELCOM outcomes from the past six months include the thoroughly revised HELCOM Response Manual Vol III to Pollution Incidents on the , which the delegates are invited to endorse. Moreover, an agreement is expected on a regional implementation plan for the IMO Water Management Convention, entering into force globally in September next year. Compilations of pollution load data () have been an integral part of HELCOM assessment system since 1987. The next edition, PLC-7, is expecting approval for being prepared by 2020 and covering the data from 1995 until 2017. HELCOM will host a high-level as a part of its Annual Meeting in the end of February 2017 and the agenda will now be discussed. The session will focus on how to achieve ocean-related UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the Baltic Sea and progress in addressing the regional environmental challenges. The many aligning targets and goals of the UN and HELCOM are the underlying factor for the session. HELCOM is one of 18 Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans in the world working together under the umbrella of UNEP and instrumental in the work on SDGs.The 51st Meeting of the Heads of Delegation will be held on 14-15 December 2016 in Helsinki, Finland and chaired by HELCOM Chair Ms Marianne Wenning, DG Environment, European Union. . All documents will be public after the meeting. * * * Note for editors:An update on the overall state of ecosystem health in the Baltic Sea is underway. Improved tools as well as more comprehensive approaches will be applied in the State of the Baltic Sea report (full name: Second Holistic Assessment of Ecosystem Health in the Baltic Sea, ). This major assessment will assist the region’s environmental managers and decision-makers who are to base their work on sound, up-to-date knowledge of the status of the sea. The State of the Baltic Sea report will develop common concepts and methods for the status assessment based on core indicators; create and test the tools for aggregated results and, finally, perform assessments at a regional scale. Importantly, the assessment will also include a socio-economic analysis, about the costs of a deteriorating marine environment, as well as a selection of optimal measures for improving the status of the sea. The first results will be released in mid-2017 and updated during the following 12 months. * * * HELCOM Heads of Delegation, nominated by the to the Helsinki Convention which are the nine Baltic coastal states as well as the EU, usually meet twice a year. The highest decision-making body of HELCOM, Annual Meeting, convenes usually in March. * * * The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention. * * * For more information, please contact:Johanna Laurila Information Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 523 8988 Skype: helcom70 E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)​

Greenlighting key tools and indicators for State of the Baltic Sea report a major issue in HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting this week.

Leaflet out on cleaner ships’ exhaust gases in the Baltic

​​​​What does the new Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) regulations for ships – so-called “Baltic NECA” – mean for shipping and for the marine environment?What will change? And why is NOx a problem?HELCOM has ​released a new about the Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) regulations for ships, also touching upon the earlier schemes for limiting harmful emissions such as Sulphur Oxide (SOx). The leaflet explains in a short and concise form the main features related to the recent decision by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), upon HELCOM countries’ proposal, to limit ships’ NOx emissions in the Baltic Sea. A similar NOx Emission Control Area (NECA) proposal from the North Sea countries also passed late last month.NOx emissions from shipping are important from a marine environment perspective since they are a major source of airborne deposition of nitrogen, worsening nutrient pollution – and therefore eutrophication – which is a serious environmental concern for the Baltic Sea. The NECA regulations, approved by the IMO in October 2016, are expected to be adopted in May 2017. These foreseen NECA regulations target new ships built in or after 2021 but not the existing ships.According to recent estimates, the reduction in annual total nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea region, compared to a non-NECA scenario, will be 22,000 tonnes after a time lag – as a combined effect of the Baltic and North Seas NECAs. Out of this total anticipated reduction, 7,000 tonnes is estimated to be reduced from direct deposition to the Baltic Sea surface and the remaining 15,000 tonnes a decrease from deposition to the terrestrial areas draining to Baltic Sea. An undetermined share of the latter will end up to the Baltic Sea.You can download the leaflet .For a print version, please contact the HELCOM Secretariat at helcom.secretariat(at) * * * Note for editorsHELCOM Maritime Working identifies and promotes actions to limit sea-based pollution and finds ways for safer navigation. Established in 1975, the group also deals with the harmonized implementation and enforcement of international shipping regulations.The Maritime group includes the HELCOM-OSPAR Task on Ballast Water Management (regional dimensions of implementing the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention), Expert on safety of navigation, Working for mutual exchange and deliveries of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, Green technology and Alternative Fuels for Shipping, and HELCOM Cooperation on Port Reception Facilities (PRF). is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention. * * * For more information, please contact:Hermanni BackerProfessional Secretary for Maritime, Response and Fish groupsHELCOMTel:  +358 46 8509199Skype: helcom02E-mail: hermanni.backer(at) ​​​​​Johanna Laurila Information Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 523 8988 Skype: helcom70 E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)

HELCOM has released a new leaflet about the Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) regulations for ships also touching upon the earlier schemes for limiting harmful airborne emissions such as Sulphur Oxide (SOx).

New HELCOM project on evaluating risks for oil spills will start 2017

​​​OPENRISK project on risk assessment methods for spill prevention, preparedness and response purposes covers the Baltic Sea area Revised procedures for on shore spill response endorsed by HELCOM Response group meeting this weekRussia to host 2017 HELCOM operational spill response exercise in Kaliningrad​​Thoroughly revised regional procedures on response to pollution incidents on the shore were approved by the 22nd of the HELCOM Response Working closing yesterday. The revised Manual will be submitted to the 2017 Annual Meeting of HELCOM for final adoption. HELCOM response manual incorporate regional best practice and operational procedures on spill preparedness and response and was first adopted in 1980sOn shore response has also been practiced regionally in recent years. Photo: Maritime Search and Rescue Service​, PolandThe Meeting welcomed also the new HELCOM-led OPENRISK project on risk assessment methods for spill prevention, preparedness and response purposes. The new initiative will last for two years starting January 2017. OPENRISK will involve national institutions but also regional intergovernmental organisations from the wider European area.In addition, Russia welcomed the Baltic Sea coastal countries and EU to the 2017 HELCOM operational spill response exercise that Russia will arrange in the beginning of August 2017 in the Kaliningrad areaThe 22st Meeting of the HELCOM Response Working Group was held on 8-10 November 2016 in Riga, Latvia and chaired by Ms. Heli Haapasaari, Chair of the Response Working Group. All documents are available at the . * * * Note for editors is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention.​The HELCOM Response Working works to ensure swift national and international responses to maritime pollution incidents, including in case of accident the availability of appropriate equipment and the joint practice of response procedures in cooperation with neighbouring states. The group also coordinates the aerial surveillance of maritime shipping routes to detect oil spills and other potentially harmful 

HELCOM Response group also endorsed the revised procedures for on shore spill response and welcomed that Russia will host the 2017 operational spill response exercise in Kaliningrad.

More transparency and political leadership called for in HELCOM seminar

​​​​​Major sectors in the Baltic Sea spoke out about HELCOM pollution reduction targetsMarine environment protection was high in the agenda of the EUSBSR Strategy Forum in Stockholm this week

Major sectors in the Baltic Sea spoke out about HELCOM pollution reduction targets in this week’s seminar in the EUSBSR Strategy Forum in Stockholm.

Countries advance State of the Baltic Sea report

​​​The second HELCOM holistic assessment – State of the Baltic Sea – will be the common basis for governments for further measures to protect the seaKey components of the State report are the focal topics for a HELCOM meeting this weekA new HELCOM Recommendation on biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes and HELCOM monitoring guidelines are among other topics of the 5-day meeting in Tallinn, EstoniaAs a part of the sizeable endeavour by HELCOM to assess the environmental status of the entire Baltic Sea by 2017, many necessary building blocks are discussed by the HELCOM State and Conservation Working Group this week. The convenes in Tallinn, Estonia for advancing the next HELCOM holistic – State of the Baltic Sea – , finalizing the Recommendation on biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes, and reviewing and upgrading HELCOM monitoring guidelines, among others. Integration tools bring together the many parameters to provide sensible and reliable assessments of the state of the Baltic Sea marine environment. Photo: Metsähallitus NHS/Essi Keskinen​ Integration tools for biodiversity and hazardous substances have been developed intensively by HELCOM this year. The 2017 ‘State of the Baltic Sea’ builds on a vast amount of HELCOM quality assured data and indicator results. Tools, designed to address specific environmental issues, are needed to bring together the many parameters to provide sensible and reliable assessments of the state of the Baltic Sea marine environment. The tools integrate the results of indicators such as on distribution of marine mammals, abundance of birds, size of zooplankton, and quality of benthic organisms, to arrive at the status of biodiversity. The meeting this week will work on the final form of these tools.  For hazardous substances, the concentration of dioxins, PCBs and other contaminants and their effects are considered. The HELCOM approach to assess the pressures and impacts on the marine environment – the Baltic Sea Impact Index – has also been upgraded this year with new data and special attention given to the spatial extent of impacts.  A key issue for the meeting is to agree on a set of HELCOM core and the associated definition of Good Environmental Status. During 2016, countries leading the indicator development and expert groups have worked towards making the core indicators operational.  In addition, a draft new HELCOM Recommendation on biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes will be elaborated at the meeting, with the view to have it ready for approval by the main HELCOM delegates in December 2016.  Coordinated monitoring guidelines, a prerequisite for making coherent and comparable regional assessments, continues to be scrutinized by the Working Group and fully reviewed and revised HELCOM monitoring guidelines are anticipated to be ready by mid-2017. The Fifth of the Working Group on the State of the Environment and Nature Conservation, (STATE & CONSERVATION 5-2016) will be convened on 7-11 November 2016 in Tallinn, Estonia. The meeting is chaired by the co-Chairs of the group, Ms Penina Blankett, Finland, and Mr. Urmas Lips, Estonia. All documents will be public after the meeting.  * * * Note for editors is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention. HELCOM State & Conservation covers monitoring and assessment functions as well as nature conservation and biodiversity protection at HELCOM. It works across the monitoring-indicators-assessment chain to develop HELCOM thematic assessment tools and conducts the coherent holistic assessment of the ecosystem’s health. The next State of the Baltic Sea assessment – or HOLAS II – will give a comprehensive overview of the ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea. The first results are scheduled for release in mid-2017 and finalized by mid-2018. The update on the overall state of the entire Baltic Sea is worked on by the (2014–18), which develops common concepts and methods for the status assessment based on core indicators; creates and tests the tools for aggregated results and, finally, performs assessments at a regional scale. The development of the assessment methods is supported by other projects such as and BalticBOOST.  is an EU co-financed project coordinated by HELCOM. The main objective of the project is to improve regional coherence in the implementation of marine strategies through improved data flow, assessments, and knowledge base for development of measures. The project (2015–16) will develop assessment tools and set up data arrangements to support indicator-based assessments of the state of and pressures on the Baltic Sea.   * * * For more information, please contact:Ulla Li ZweifelProfessional SecretaryHELCOMTel. +358 46 850 9198Skype: helcom64E-mail: ullali.zweifel(at) Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988Skype: helcom70E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)​​​​

The second HELCOM holistic assessment – State of the Baltic Sea – will be the common basis for governments for further measures to protect the sea.

Debate about sectors' role in reducing pollution in the Baltic 8 November 2016

​​​​​​​​HELCOM will host a morning seminar on Tuesday 8 November 2016 at 09.30-10.30 in Stockholm, Sweden, on the occasion of the 7th Strategy Forum of the EU Regional Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).​​The seminar, in a form of a debate, is entitled ‘”This is what we need to do for a cleaner sea.” Sectors have their say’.> You can send questions and comment in Twitter: #HELCOM16 The Secretariat has invited representatives of the most relevant marine industries and sectors to speak out their minds about the actions done so far to reach the HELCOM targets in better protecting the Baltic marine environment; whether the present measures are sufficient and if not, why not; and what kind of cooperation, or support, would be welcomed from the policy and science communities, for more speedily reaching the agreed goals. Commentators representing the scientific community, policy-makers and the political level will provide complementary comments and bring in any missing perspective or arguments. State Secretary of Sweden, Mr. Per Ängquist will present the concluding remarks. A short outcome document will be prepared by HELCOM and shared in due time. Please find more information about the seminar, and other HELCOM presence in the EUSBSR Strategy Forum, in the .​​

HELCOM will host a morning seminar ‘“This is what we need to do for a cleaner sea.” Sectors have their say’ in Stockholm, Sweden, in the EUSBSR Strategy Forum – take part in Twitter.

Shipping sector cuts Nitrogen loads to the Baltic Sea

​​​​​​IMO agrees with HELCOM countries’ proposal to limit ships’ NOx emissions in the Baltic SeaSimilar NECA proposal from the North Sea countries also passedIn the Baltic Sea area, expected annual Nitrogen load reductions resulting from both North and Baltic Sea NECAs will be 22,000 tons in two decades International Maritime Organization (IMO) has agreed to limit Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions from ships’ exhaust gases in the Baltic Sea as proposed by HELCOM countries. A similar proposal from the North Sea countries was approved at the same 70th meeting of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), ending today. After final confirmations at the next MEPC meeting in spring 2017, these two decisions will create a larger Nitrogen Emission Control Area (NECA) for new ships built in or after 2021.​”This would not have happened if we hadn’t worked together and developed a robust, scientifically based and comprehensive application,” concludes Anna Petersson, Chair of the HELCOM Maritime Working Group. Photo: Shutterstock​NOx emissions from shipping is a major source of airborne deposition of Nitrogen, aggravating nutrient pollution or eutrophication which is one of the main environmental concerns in the Baltic. The initiative to cut this source of pollution by a Baltic Sea NECA under MARPOL Annex VI emerges from the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action , agreed by the nine coastal countries and the EU ten years ago in 2007.”This is a remarkable moment. The Baltic Sea countries and EU have collectively arrived to the goal of establishing a Baltic Sea NECA, proving an undeniable success in joint cooperation. Even better, we did this together with the North Sea which multiplies the benefits for the Baltic Sea,” says Anita Mäkinen on behalf of Finland, the lead country of the Baltic NECA application process.”This is a good example of how the close cooperation between the Baltic and North Seas can help us achieve something bigger than what would be possible in one region alone,” adds Ditte Kristensen on behalf of Denmark, co-lead of the North Sea NECA application together with the Netherlands. “Estimated cut in airborne deposition is significant”According to fresh estimates by European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (), consisting of deposition modelling based on available emission scenarios (Jonson et al 2015), the annual reduction in total Nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea area will be 22,000 tons as a combined effect of the Baltic and North Seas NECAs and compared to a non-NECA scenario. However, a lengthy period of fleet renewal is needed before the regulation will show full effect.Out of this total anticipated reduction in Nitrogen deposition, 7,000 tons is estimated to be reduction from direct deposition to the Baltic Sea surface and the remaining 15,000 tons is estimated to be reduced from deposition to the landmass draining to Baltic Sea, also called its catchment area.”Over the last decades we have monitored Nitrogen deposition from airborne emissions of human activities contributing to the eutrophication of the Baltic, from agriculture to shipping. The estimated cut in airborne deposition due to these new NECA designations is a significant share of the total airborne load,” says Jerzy Bartnicki, from EMEP.”Scenarios and modelling on shipping in the two regions show that NOx emissions are likely to increase without NECA designations,” adds Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen from the Finnish Meteorological , who have provided ship emission modelling for the Baltic Sea NECA application.The HELCOM Country Allocated Reduction Target () scheme has divided a total load reduction commitment of 118,000 tons Nitrogen, and 15,000 tons Phosphorus among the coastal countries. Implementation of the scheme will result in curbing eutrophication problem in the Baltic. The estimated 7,000 ton reduction in Nitrogen deposition to the surface of the Baltic Sea alone is more than the total Nitrogen reduction commitment of an average Baltic Sea coastal country within the HELCOM scheme of national commitments. In other words, five out of nine coastal countries have a total annual reduction quota for Nitrogen loads which is less than 7,000 tons.Other positive effectsBesides cutting emissions, the new regulations will have many indirect positive effects for the Baltic Sea marine environment. The new NECAs will likely increase the use of green shipping technology and alternative fuels such as LNG, and in general catalyse technological innovations in the field of green shipping. Voluntary schemes for existing ships will be essential to achieve additional NOx emission reductions.The Baltic Sea was designated as a Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA) in 1998 based on a similar proposal, also developed within HELCOM Maritime Working during the 1990s. In 2015 the enforcement of the 0,1% sulphur limit for fuel oil under the SECA led to drastic 88% reductions in SOx emissions from shipping in the Baltic Sea region compared with 2014, as estimated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute and reported by Finland to the HELCOM Maritime Working Group in September. The IMO meeting this week agreed that a global 0,5% limit in fuel oil sulphur content should be applied from 2020.”This is truly a milestone which will have genuine positive effects on the unique marine ecosystem of the Baltic Sea area. The regional cooperation within the HELCOM framework has certainly proven to be very successful – this would not have happened if we hadn’t worked together and developed a robust, scientifically based and comprehensive application,” concludes Anna Petersson, Chair of the HELCOM Maritime Working Group.”The recently adopted prohibition of discharge of sewage from passenger ships together with the approval of the designation of the Baltic Sea as a NECA are two fantastic achievements that marks the end of many years of hard work and dedication from the Baltic Sea states,” she continues. * * * Note for editorsHELCOM Maritime Working identifies and promotes actions to limit sea-based pollution and finds ways for safer navigation. Established in 1975, the group also deals with the harmonized implementation and enforcement of international shipping regulations. The Maritime group includes the HELCOM-OSPAR Task Group on Ballast Water Management (regional dimensions of implementing the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention), Expert group on safety of navigation, Working group for mutual exchange and deliveries of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, and HELCOM Cooperation Platform on Port Reception Facilities (PRF). is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention. * * * For more information, please contact:Anita Mäkinen Chief Adviser to the Director General, Maritime Sector Finnish Transport Safety Agency (TraFi) Tel: +358 40 1624592 E-mail: anita.makinen(at)trafi.fiDitte Kristensen Technical Advisor Danish Environmental Protection Agency Tel: +45 72544107 E-mail: ditkr(at)mst.dkHermanni Backer Professional Secretary for Maritime, Response and Fish groups HELCOM Tel:  +358 46 8509199 E-mail: hermanni.backer(at)​​

IMO agrees with HELCOM countries’ proposal to limit ships’ NOx emissions in the Baltic Sea. In the Baltic Sea area, major cuts in Nitrogen loads are expected as a result from both North and Baltic Sea NECAs.

Clean-up of toxic waste site Krasnyi Bor discussed by HELCOM

​​​​​​HELCOM countries call for NEFCO to coordinate international involvement in remediation of Krasnyi Bor hazardous waste landfill Hazardous substances, progress in reducing marine litter and underwater noise other key topics in HELCOM Pressure group meetingThe international community discussed this week joint cooperation for cleaning up a major HELCOM – the toxic waste site Krasnyi Bor near St. Petersburg, Russia, at the HELCOM Pressure group in Warsaw, Poland. Krasnyi Bor waste landfill area. ​ ​​Upon the initiative of Finland, Estonia and Sweden, HELCOM countries called for Nordic Environment Finance Corporation () to coordinate the international involvement to the Krasnyi Bor waste site. A road map to remediate the site by 2025 was presented at the meeting by a representative of the St. Petersburg administration. The Russian representative also introduced a more open information policy regarding the progress in ongoing activities in the Krasnyi Bor clean-up and environmental monitoring data, both soon available online. Presentations by and State
Unitary Environmental
“Krasny Bor” Landfill” ​ provide more details about the issue.Krasnyi Bor, last by HELCOM experts in June 2016, is a hazardous waste dump site sorting some 2 million tons of hazardous waste and long known as a significant pollution Hot Spot in the region. The area has been built for the reception, disposal and burial of toxic industrial wastes from St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. The site was listed as a HELCOM Hot Spot in the early 1990s. Last winter, the weather conditions raised concerns about imminent flooding and leaking of harmful substances from the site to the environment.Evaluating for the first time the progress made in significantly reducing marine litter in the Baltic was another topic of the HELCOM Pressure group meeting and the preceding workshop. The implementation of HELCOM Regional on Marine Litter, adopted in 2015, is followed up regularly and the suggested future actions include updating of HELCOM Recommendations on waste water treatment and storm water management, in order to prevent releasing of litter, particularly micro plastics, into the marine environment. The meeting has also had a high focus on hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea and other meeting topics include underwater noise, dredging, sewage sludge, and internal loading of phosphorus. of the HELCOM Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area (PRESSURE 5-2016) is held on 25–27 October 2016 in Warsaw, Poland. The meeting is hosted by the National Water Management Authority of Poland and chaired by Lars Sonesten, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.After the meeting, all documents will be available at the . * * * Note for editors:The list of – significant pollution sites around the Baltic Sea – was originally established in the beginning of 1990s, as a part of HELCOM’s efforts to foster international cooperation and coordination to resolve the most acute environmental problems of the Baltic Sea. Since then, three quarters of the Hot Spots have been removed from the list due to systematic mitigation work by the coastal states.  Nonetheless, some of the polluting sites still remain on the HELCOM agenda.The focuses on nutrient and hazardous substance inputs from diffuse sources and point sources on land, including the follow-up of HELCOM nutrient reduction scheme implementation. The group ensures the necessary technical underpinning and develops solutions for policy-relevant questions and needs. Marine litter and underwater noise are also coordinated by this group. Its official name is the Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area.Working to safeguard the marine environment from pollution and ensure safe navigation in the Baltic Sea, acts as the governing body of the 1974 Helsinki Convention. HELCOM’s official name is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission.  * * * For more information, please contact:Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky Professional Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 630 9933 E-mail: dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at) Johanna Laurila Information Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 523 8988 Skype: helcom70 E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)

HELCOM countries call for NEFCO to coordinate international involvement in remediation of Krasnyi Bor hazardous waste landfill.

New HELCOM assessment on networks of marine protected areas

​​​​​​​Overall the protection of the Baltic Sea through HELCOM MPAs is substantial – the coverage of the areas​​ is at first-rate 12 %​​Adequacy and connectivity of the MPA network are however not at sufficient levels for meeting the targets set for ecological coherence in the Baltic Sea region “>The Baltic Sea has in terms of areal coverage the highest protection of all European marine regions; 12% of the HELCOM area is designated as marine protected areas () thus, the target set by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity of conserving at least 10% of coastal and marine areas has been reached in the Baltic Sea.> >>The network of coastal and marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea, or HELCOM MPAs, is however not yet ecologically coherent, concludes the new HELCOM . A coherent network, an achievement only possible through cooperation between the Baltic Sea countries, would ensure that the MPAs in the Baltic Sea are providing protection beyond the individual sites. Satisfactory coherence is important as it would contribute significantly to the biological diversity in the Baltic Sea and to favourable status of habitats and species, which are both major goals for HELCOM.>> Two aspects considered by the report regarding ecological coherence of the MPAs are at acceptable level: representativity and replication. Representativity, or areal representation, refers to the different types of geographical features and broad scale habitats, and replication to a set of indicative species and biotope complexes and broad scale habitats. Improvements are however needed especially in two aspects of ecological coherence of the MPAs: adequacy, which considers the quality of the network, and connectivity, which measures how well the network supports migration and dispersal of species.  Networks of marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea. The assessment also proposes a number of actions for improving the network of HELCOM MPAs. They include, for instance, enhancing the protection of threatened species, biotopes and biotope complexes within the MPAs, as the reporting by countries so far indicates surprisingly few threatened species and biotopes as being protected in the sites. In addition, the target for areal coverage of MPAs has not yet been reached in all sub-basins or in waters beyond territorial waters.   The assessment is based on data in the , renewed and launched in late 2015.  The ecological coherence assessment follows up on the commitments made in a HELCOM Recommendation () in 2014, in which the Contracting Parties have agreed to establish an ecologically coherent and effectively managed network of coastal and marine Baltic Sea protected areas.  Print copies of the Ecological coherence of the marine protected area network in the Baltic Sea (BSEP 148) can be requested from HELCOM Secretariat. * * *Note for editorsThere are currently already 174 covering almost 12% of the marine area, making the Baltic Sea one of the first regional seas in the world to reach the UN target.  The aim of the coastal and marine Baltic Sea protected areas (HELCOM MPAs) is to protect valuable marine and coastal habitats in the Baltic Sea. This is done by designating sites with particular nature values as protected areas, and by managing human activities within those areas. Each site will have its unique management plan. The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention. * * *For more information, please contact Ulla Li ZweifelProfessional SecretaryHELCOMTel. +358 46 850 9198Skype: helcom64E-mail: ullali.zweifel(at)​​Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988Skype: helcom70E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)

The coverage of coastal and marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea, or HELCOM MPAs, is at first-rate 12 % – however the network of MPAs is not yet ecologically coherent.

HELCOM Chairs' speeches at the diplomatic lunch

EU HELCOM Chairmanship. Speech by Ms Marianne Wenning, Chair of the Helsinki Commission,at the HELCOM Diplomatic Lunch, 12 October 2016, Helsinki Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues.It is a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to brief you, the representatives of the coastal countries and the catchment area of the Baltic Sea, on the priorities and plans of the European Union Chairmanship of HELCOM. This is the second time in history that the EU holds the chair of HELCOM he Contracting Parties cooperate in HELCOM on an equal footing. This set-up works well and is productive. The EU countries of HELCOM as well as the non-EU country Russia are striving to achieve the same goal: good environmental status of the marine environment. As new Chair in HELCOM I will do my best to continue cooperation in the same good spirit for which HELCOM is known. #160The first EU priority for the HELCOM Chairmanship is connected to this: reaching a healthy ecosystem in the Baltic Sea by 2021.   healthy marine ecosystem is essential for a thriving maritime economy and for the wellbeing of people and is the only way to secure the sustainability of the Baltic Sea in the long-term. We need to ensure that in the future people can catch and eat fish from the region without concerns. We want to be able to enjoy the Baltic Sea shores and swim in our sea waters – and attract tourists to do the same. We must have enough sea space for new activities that now we might not even be able to think of  few years back HELCOM embarked on a big multi-annual task of undertaking the second holistic assessment of the ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea. This project, called Status of the Baltic Sea report, or HOLAS II, will help us understand whether policy measures at national and regional level are effective in reducing key pressures and in having a positive impact on the health of the Baltic Sea. The first results of the assessment will be released next year, in 2017, and the assessment is planned to be updated in 2018 he word ‘holistic’ indicates that the assessment will be comprehensive, taking into account human activities and ensuing pressures as well as any changes and their effects on biodiversity, eutrophication, hazardous substances and maritime activities. It will also include improved socio-economic analysis which will become more important in the future for demonstrating that no or insufficient action is not an option as it will lead to higher costs in the long-term.   #160This brings me to the next, related EU priority: innovation for a sustainable Blue Economy and healthy ecosystems. Innovation has many aspects – it can be related to techniques & products, to processes, but also to governance and knowledge. Innovation in all these areas will provide us with a better understanding and an improved application of the ecosystem based approach and will allow us to achieve the necessary level of sustainable development for the Baltic Sea region to prosper. #160Maritime Spatial Planning will be an important tool in this regard. HELCOM promotes the ecosystem approach as the basis for planning of all economic activity, be it fishing, shipping, energy, or tourism. Co-ordination of these activities, with a full understanding of their impacts on the marine environment, will become more important as it will guide us in how best to achieve our environmental goals and objectives at national, European and international level. Part of this planning will also have to include Marine Protected Areas ecologically coherent as part of a network and well-managed ast but not least: how can we improve regional governance? Strengthening our partnership with other organizations, be it in the fishery, agricultural or transport sector, is already part of the HELCOM process but can still be improved. Especially at a time when the HOLAS II assessment will soon provide information that will allow us – TOGETHER – to identify the challenges for each sector and Party of the Convention. We should take the chance and renew our efforts to align what – at first sight – seem like contradictory objectives and to come to mutually satisfactory solutions. They will not be perfect but we should not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. #160The same will apply to international ocean governance. The question here is how can HELCOM – as one of the Regional Sea Conventions – support the process of reaching the sea-related goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially the Goal number 14 on oceans and the seas et me stop here – you will be able – or had the chance already – to study the EU priorities also in writing. But I will be happy to answer any questions or hear any comments you might have over our lunch xcellencies, Ladies & Gentlemen  he EU’s Chairmanship does not start in a vacuum: Harry Liiv, my predecessor, has set the bar high. There were many achievements under the Estonian chairmanship – let’s hear about them now from Harry for future inspiration ut before that, I would like you to join me for a toast to the continuous successful cooperation for the protection and prosperity of our common Baltic Sea. We have big challenges ahead of us, but together we can make a difference * Outcome of the Previous HELCOM Chairmanship​Speech by Mr Harry Liiv, Estonia, Chair of HELCOM 1.7.201430.6.2016 at the HELCOM Diplomatic Lunch, 12 October 2016, Helsinki #160Your Excellencies, Esteemed Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, ‘d first like to thank the HELCOM Chair, Ms. Marianne Wenning, for her informative and interesting speech, and also for her encouraging words on the previous HELCOM Chairmanship under Estonia. he priorities chosen by the EU for the HELCOM Chairmanship are building strong on the recent efforts and achievements within HELCOM – achievements by us: all the Contracting Parties, the Observers and the extended stakeholder community, working together for common goals here were many important milestones reached during the Estonian Chairmanship from July 2014 until June 2016:HELCOM launched the active stage in preparing the Second Holistic Assessment of the Baltic Sea, or HOLAS II. The Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter was finalized and adopted. Last spring, the Contracting Parties finally adopted the long awaited recommendation on sustainable aquaculture in the Baltic Sea region. This is only one example of all the work invested in promoting sustainable fisheries. >But the biggest and most difficult of the recent achievements have been connected to shipping  major accomplishment was the HELCOM agreement to apply for a NECA status for the Baltic Sea – referring to regulations to limit the Nitrogen Oxide emissions from ships. The application has been submitted this summer to the International Maritime Organization (or IMO). mportantly, the application was sent in parallel with the North Sea, multiplying the potential gains for the marine environment: the nitrogen reductions are likely much larger when both of the neighbouring sea areas are on board. lso the dates for prohibiting discharges of untreated sewage from passenger ships were decided by the IMO this year. This was a result from the joint request by the HELCOM countries and following the earlier designation of the Baltic Sea as a special area for sewage under international law. he ban for sewage will take effect by latest 2021 for most of the IMO registered passenger vessels (for new passenger ships in June 2019) e now have to live up to this new measure on ships’ sewage and make sure that all the further and necessary improvements to facilities in ports to receive sewage of the Baltic Sea are done oth achievements in the shipping sector are a great success of the Baltic Sea countries, of HELCOM and of the region as a whole. They will not only improve the state of the environment, but also boost innovations and development of new technologies. hile we should grab the opportunity for congratulating ourselves for the accomplishments, a lot of work remains to be done. xcellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s raise a glass to the successes we have already achieved! For reducing marine litter, for more sustainable aquaculture, and for much less environmental harm from shipping. Let there be many more victories to come. ​

The diplomatic community of Finland representing the Contracting Parties as well as the catchment area states gathered for the traditional HELCOM lunch on 12 October 2016.