Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission


Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

HELCOM and VASAB validate efforts on maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea region, advance new concepts during key meeting in Helsinki

Earlier in May, the joint HELCOM and Maritime Spatial Working Group met in Helsinki at the Ministry of the Environment of Finland to advance the agenda on (MSP) in the Baltic Sea region.The major themes addressed were strengthening the ecosystem-based approach in MSP, evaluating the progress of the regional MSP roadmap by 2020, and coordinating regional policy in MSP in a wider context of maritime policies. Maritime spatial planning (MSP) seeks to optimize the use of the sea, addressing both the ecosystem and maritime activities such as shipping and fishing, and taking into account the needs of all Baltic Sea stakeholders. During the meeting, the group acknowledged that “MSP is a powerful tool assuring sustainable exploitation of marine resources.” It also agreed to contribute to the update of the (BSAP), as stated in the .Participants recognized the significant progress in MSP achieved in the region. All countries signatories to the currently have maritime spatial plans in place, with some already revising their first generation schemes. Unlike terrestrial plans that have been around for quite a while, maritime plans are still a novelty worldwide.In the Baltic Sea region, national maritime spatial plans are elaborated in an open and transparent way. They are subject to regular international consultations based on guidelines developed by HELCOM-VASAB MSP group and the . To strengthen this process even further and assure compatibility of spatial plans at the regional level, the group agreed during the meeting to elaborate guidelines for international consultations on MSP data output.Another key item on the meeting’s agenda was the ecosystem approach in maritime spatial planning, integrating all aspects of the marine ecosystem into MSP. The group is currently advancing the concept of green infrastructure and blue corridors which integrates valuable components of the marine ecosystem into the planning such as fish spawning areas, migration routes, benthic biotopes and coastal zones. The aim is to foster sustainable use of marine resources and to protect the marine ecosystem, as well as to strengthen the connectivity between and coherence of (MPAs). This work will be done in close cooperation with representatives of fisheries and environmental authorities. The cooperation will follow a timetable and work plan to be elaborated by the HELCOM VASAB MSP group, to better coordinate regional activities and to elaborate a regional tool for practical use of the green infrastructure concept in MSP. Furthermore, the group agreed to update the HELCOM recommendation on coastal zones management, in particular to strengthening its linkage with maritime spatial planning.The 16th Meeting of the joint HELCOM-VASAB Maritime Spatial Planning Working Group (HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG 16-2018) was held in Helsinki, Finland, from 8 to 9 May 2018 in the Ministry of the Environment of Finland. The meeting was organized back-to-back with the first international consultations on maritime spatial plans which are being developed in Finland. ​

Earlier in May, the joint HELCOM and VASAB Maritime Spatial Working Group met in Helsinki at the Ministry of the Environment of Finland to advance the agenda on maritime spatial planning (MSP) in the Baltic Sea region.

HELCOM-led project contributes to improving preparedness and response to pollution at sea during international workshop in Malta

In a bid to reinforce international
preparedness and response to pollution at sea, the Third Interregional Workshop
on Risk Assessment Tools for Pollution Preparedness and Response (PPR) from the
EU-funded and HELCOM-led
project took place in Valletta, Malta from 24 to 25 April 2018. “The workshop was an important step towards
providing pollution preparedness and response (PPR) guidelines at the regional
level,” said Valtteri Laine, the OpenRisk Project Manager at HELCOM and
moderator of the workshop.  “We had hands-on sessions with open-source
risk assessment tools which are designed to facilitate decision-making in PPR,”
said Laine. The main focus of the event was on practical testing of existing
tools and those recently developed during the OpenRisk project, such as ,
The tools help predicting maritime accidents and their consequences.  In addition, the ISO 31000:2009 based
guideline for PPR risk management was also presented during the event, in order
to get feedback for finalization. This was the third workshop in a series of
four spanning from June 2017 to October 2018. The meetings aim at sharing
knowledge between European and global institutions and regional seas PPR
organizations, to further the development of toolboxes and guidelines for PPR
risk assessments. The Valletta-edition was hosted by the
Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea () and moderated by HELCOM. It was
attended by other national administrations, intergovernmental regional organizations
and research institutions. 
is a two year EU project on methods for maritime risk assessments on accidental
spills, carried out by HELCOM, the Malmö-based (WMU), Dutch marine research institute and the Finnish Environmental Institute (). The project is also supported by the
BONN Agreement (North Sea), the Copenhagen Agreement (Nordic seas), REMPEC
(Mediterranean), as well as the Norwegian Coastal Administration. In regards to pollution preparedness and
response, HELCOM countries will also carry out the held in
Karlskrona, Sweden later in August 2018, a large scale maritime response drill
at sea and on shore simulating leading to an oil and chemical spill.The presentations of the workshop in Malta are
available on the public of the OpenRisk 3-2018 Workshop.

In a bid to reinforce international preparedness and response to pollution at sea, the Third Interregional Workshop on Risk Assessment Tools for Pollution Preparedness and Response (PPR) from the HELCOM-lead OpenRisk project took place in Malta.

HELCOM progresses firmly towards reducing input of pollutants into the Baltic Sea, but more work lies ahead

The HELCOM PRESSURE group met in Berlin to discuss the reduction of pollution loads on the Baltic Sea.Specific attention was placed on river basins, input of nutrients, and hazardous substances.The progress at the Krasni Bor HELCOM hot spot was also addressed.HELCOM came closer to its goals of reducing pollution loads on the Baltic Sea, as acknowledged during a key event held in Berlin from 18 to 20 April 2018, the Eighth Meeting of the HELCOM Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area (). The PRESSURE group is responsible for devising solutions to reduce land-based pollution affecting the Baltic Sea.The group discussed potential measures to advance towards the maximum allowable inputs set by the . Specific attention was paid to the cooperation with river basin management authorities and to possible ways of elaborating nutrient reduction targets for river basins. These will be useful for developing river basin management plans. It is expected that this broader approach at the river basin level will increase the readiness of upstream municipalities to support the implementation of the (BSAP).Due to the cross-cutting nature of nutrients management, and bearing in mind that the agricultural sector is a main source of land-based nutrient input to the Baltic Sea, the PRESSURE group also worked out a proposal for close cooperation with , the HELCOM group responsible for agricultural matters.With regard to the implementation of the , the central emphasis was placed on the planning of a regional strategy for nutrients recycling. The PRESSURE group also started planning the implementation of the new commitment, with the aim to develop a risk assessment framework for the management of internal nutrient reserves.Furthermore, PRESSURE 8-2018 addressed the input of hazardous substances (HS) into the Baltic Sea, acknowledging the steady decrease of inputs of conventional pollutants such as mercury, lead and cadmium. However, it also noted the worrying rise of new HS such as pharmaceuticals and persistent organic compounds. The group endorsed a draft assessment for the input of selected hazardous substances as well as for a new HELCOM pre-core indicator on diclofenac. In addition, participants considered to look into off-shore sources of pollutants and, as a first step, into the potential adverse effects of anti-fouling systems. They also followed up of the implementation of the Regional Action Plan (RAP) on marine litter. Dredging and depositing operations at sea, under water noise and other topics were also discussed. One specific theme of the meeting was the current state of the toxic landfill Krasny Bor located in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, Russia. Participants welcomed the comprehensive update by Russia on the current status of this “HELCOM hot spot”, including the work undertaken so far to minimize environmental risks and to monitor the site. The results of international cooperation and support on Krasni Bor were presented by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) which is the coordinator of the international efforts currently taking place at the site.A group of German experts also presented the results of the verification of the environmental monitoring system at the landfill. In the past two years, international experts have continuously visited the site, doing environmental sampling and inspecting the maintenance and monitoring procedures.The meeting in Berlin was the first consultation of the group after the adoption of the earlier this year in Brussels, where HELCOM countries notably renewed their commitment to the BSAP.

HELCOM came closer to its goals of reducing pollution loads on the Baltic Sea, as acknowledged during a key event held in Berlin from 18 to 20 April 2018.

HELCOM group meets in Berlin to focus on reducing land-based pollution affecting the Baltic Sea

PRESSURE 8-2018 meets in Berlin to devise solutions to reduce land-based pollution affecting the Baltic Sea.Key focus will be on discussing measures to reduce nutrient input, in line with the 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Declaration.The
Eighth Meeting of the HELCOM Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the
Baltic Sea Catchment Area () will be held in Berlin from
18 to 20 April 2018. The group is responsible for
devising solutions to reduce land-based pollution affecting the Baltic Sea.It will be the first consultation of the group after the
adoption of the earlier this year in
Brussels, where HELCOM countries notably renewed their commitment to the (BSAP). In Berlin, the PRESSURE group will focus on enhancing
the implementation of the BSAP.The
central emphasis will be placed on devising measures to reduce input of
nutrients, and on how to advance towards the maximum allowable inputs set by
the . The group will start the
planning phase of the implementation of the new Ministerial Commitments. In
particular, it will discuss the components needed to develop a regional
strategy for nutrients recycling, as well as kick of
work on a
risk assessment framework for the management of internal nutrient reserves. In line with the other BSAP
goals, the Meeting will also address pollution of the Baltic Sea environment by hazardous substances, and
expand its efforts to eradicate pollution hot spots in the Baltic Sea region
(“HELCOM hot spots”), including assessing the progress in mitigating the
environmental risks posed by the Krasny Bor toxic landfill in Russia.For more information, please contact:Mr. Dmitry Frank-KamenetskyProfessional Secretary(, , )dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at)

The Eighth Meeting of the HELCOM Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area (PRESSURE 8-2018) will be held in Berlin from 18 to 20 April 2018. The group is responsible for devising solutions to reduce land-based pollution.

HELCOM contributes to global UN meeting in Seoul, sharing insight on cross-sectoral cooperation to reach the SDGs in the Baltic Sea

Helsinki, 12 April 2018 – HELCOM shared its experience on developing and implementing policies for ocean governance at the regional level during the Second Meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Dialogue with Regional Seas Organizations and Regional Fishery Bodies. Convened by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in collaboration with the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea, the event took place in Seoul from 10 to 13 April 2018. The goal of the SOI is to facilitate dialogue to exchange experiences and to identify options and opportunities to enhance cross-sectoral collaboration among Regional Seas Organizations and Regional Fisheries Bodies, with a view to support their key role in facilitating achievement of the and the relevant .At the meeting in Seoul, HELCOM shared its knowledge on ecosystem-based maritime spatial planning and harmonized implementation of the to limit discharges of sewage and air emissions from ships.Earlier in March at the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting held in Brussels, the HELCOM Ministers already decided to in order to step up efforts to reach the SDGs and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets in the Baltic Sea. As demonstrated yet again at this second SOI meeting, contributions by regional stakeholders such as fisheries bodies will be key to achieving these goalsThe latest , to be finalized in June this year, shows that most fish, birds and marine mammal populations, as well as benthic and pelagic habitats of the Baltic Sea are still not in a healthy state.In this context, the Baltic Sea countries and the EU earlier agreed to strengthen coordination and cooperation between HELCOM and fishery bodies active in the Baltic Sea region – in particular – and the , to seek synergies with the work carried out by the (ICES). Coherence between marine and fisheries management measures is needed to reach the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular .  The SOI meeting is a follow up on the first meeting held in 2016, with this year’s event focusing on concrete ways to enhance cooperation to improve the overall condition of marine biodiversity. The outcome of the SOI meeting is expected to include a roadmap to enhance cross-sectoral cooperation, synergies for effective delivery and inter-regional sharing of expertise through the SOI Global Dialogue. InfosMore about the event here (live reporting): and here (meeting documents): Follow #CBDSOI on social mediaTwitter: @CBDNews (CBD), @IISDRS (IISD Reporting Services)Facebook: @UNBiodiversity (CBD), @IISDRS (IISD Reporting Services)

HELCOM shared its experience on developing and implementing policies for ocean governance at the regional level during the Second Meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Dialogue in Seoul.

Baltic Sea nutrient sources and pathways analysed in new report

Eutrophication caused by oversupply to the Baltic Sea of nutrients remains the major environmental pressure on the marine ecosystem. The major sources and pathways of nitrogen and phosphorus into the Baltic marine environment have been assessed in a HELCOM report released today. The illustrates the contribution of various sources of nitrogen and phosphorus to total loads in 2014 (2012 for Germany and Poland). The assessment also illustrates changes in proportion of different pathways since 1995, including the three major pathways of nutrients – riverine, airborne and direct discharges. The detailed analysis of sources of riverine load includes an evaluation of the contribution of diffuse sources, with specific focus on agriculture, indirect point sources, and natural background.The newly published report shows that a major reduction of both phosphorus and nitrogen inputs was achieved for direct point sources, while the share of the diffuse sources, in which agriculture plays dominating role, increased in the pattern of total input. Besides agriculture, indirect (upstream) point sources and transboundary loads also constitute a significant part of the total input.The new assessment is a vital part of the HELCOM and one of the main products of the HELCOM . The previous (PLC-5) assessment, published in 2013, was based on the data on nutrient inputs in 2006.* * * Note for editorsThe Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention. The focuses on nutrient and hazardous substance inputs from diffuse sources and point sources on land, including the follow-up of HELCOM nutrient reduction scheme implementation. The group ensures the necessary technical underpinning and develops solutions for policy-relevant questions and needs. Marine litter and underwater noise are also coordinated by this group. Its official name is the Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area.* * * For more information, please contact:Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky Professional Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 630 9933 Skype: helcom68 E-mail: dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at)   ​

Eutrophication caused by oversupply by nutrients remains the major environmental pressure on the Baltic marine ecosystem. Major sources and pathways of nitrogen and phosphorus into the Baltic marine environment have been assessed in a HELCOM report.

Environmental dialogue at international Baltic forum in Russia

The two-day XIX Baltic Sea Day forum in St. Petersburg, Russia gathered hundreds of participantsTalks followed up on themes of 2018 HELCOM Ministerial MeetingGathering around 500 participants from administration, science, business, NGOs, and the mass media, the 19th International Environmental Forum “Baltic Sea Day”, supported by HELCOM, was arranged 22–23 March in St. Petersburg, Russia. The long-running yearly event represents a valuable opportunity for exchange of research and ideas between many sectors and on all levels, from regional to national and local. The Forum was attended by representatives from all Baltic Sea states, several other European countries, and Belarus, as well as almost all Federal States of Russia situated in the Baltic Sea catchment area, including Kaliningrad region, Karelia, Novgorod region, Leningrad oblast and St. Petersburg.At the opening of the Forum, a solemn moment was devoted to Mr Leonid Korovin, a driving force of the Baltic Sea Day tradition, who passed away last summer. Reviewing themes of HELCOM Ministerial Meeting The cornerstone of the Forum discussions was the outcome of the recent , held in Brussels, Belgium on 6 March. The newly-adopted Ministerial Declaration represents a strong commitment to renewed efforts for the Baltic Sea. The introductory plenary session at the Baltic Sea Day Forum highlighted on two of the main themes of the Declaration: stronger follow-through on the existing (BSAP) and updating the BSAP beyond its current deadline of 2021.High-level panel participants, from left: Natalia Tretiakova (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation), Nuritdin Inamov (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation), Monika Stankiewicz (HELCOM Executive Secretary), Hannele Pokka (Ministry of Environment, Finland), Matjaz Malgaj (European Union, HELCOM Vice-Chair). Photo: Sara Estlander / HELCOM.A highlight of the Forum was a high-level panel discussion, featuring Mr Matjaz Malgaj (European Commission, HELCOM Vice-Chair), Dr Hannele Pokka (Ministry of Environment, Finland), Ms Natalia Tretiakova (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation), and Ms Monika Stankiewicz (HELCOM Executive Secretary). The panel was moderated by Mr Nuritdin Inamov of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.The panel focused on BSAP implementation, discussing questions such as what the major obstacles are for implementing the BSAP and how to overcome them, what contribution the trilateral Gulf of Finland cooperation has had to BSAP implementation, and how BSAP implementation could be enforced. Other themes included the nutrient recycling strategy to be developed within HELCOM, and the relation between HELCOM and EU policies in other regions.From MSP to municipalities and manureAside from plenaries and panels, participants took part in roundtable discussions on subjects such as nutrient recycling in agriculture, sustainable water management, and maritime spatial planning as a marine conservation tool. Other roundtable themes included the role of municipalities in implementing the Baltic Sea Action Plan, and environmental education and awareness. The project held its national (Russian) kick-off meeting within the framework of the Forum. During the second Forum day, the project held a workshop on impacts from ship emissions and on the possibilities of collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region.Throughout the presentations and discussions, there was a strong focus on the great value of sharing experiences between regions and sectors.This year, Ms Natalia Kutaeva, Vice Chair of HELCOM Maritime Group and Councellor to the Director, Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot, and Ms Monika Stankiewicz, HELCOM Executive Secretary, were presented with the Order of Vernadsky award “For personal contributions to the development of cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region” of the V.I. Vernadsky Ecological Fund. The Order of Verdnasky award was also presented to Ms Olga Rublevskaya SUE “Vodokanal of St. Petersburg”, Mr Ivan Serebritsky, Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of St. Petersburg, and Ms Liudmila Vesikko, Finnish Environment Institute. The Forum was organized by the Government of St. Petersburg and State Company Mineral, and supported by HELCOM, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, and the Environmental Committee of St. Petersburg.The XIX Baltic Sea Day was arranged in the new EXPOFORUM venue. In parallel with the Forum, the exhibition “Ecology in the Big City” was presented in an adjacent hall. For more information, see the with full programme and speakers. Twitter hashtag: * * * Note for editorsThe Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention. * * * For more information, please contact:Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky Professional Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 630 9933 Skype: helcom68 E-mail: dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at)  

The two-day XIX Baltic Sea Day forum in St. Petersburg, Russia gathered hundreds of participants. Talks followed up on themes of 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting.

Maritime activities in the Baltic Sea assessed in new report

PRESS RELEASE 9 MARCH 2018 – After two years of work, HELCOM today releases a comprehensive assessment of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea. The report covers a wide range human activities at sea, from commercial maritime traffic to leisure boating and from fisheries to hazardous submerged objects.HELCOM releases today the most comprehensive assessment of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea region currently available – covering distribution of activities at sea, developments over time, related environmental issues as well as future perspectives and scenarios. The vast number of activities addressed include operational and accidental pollution from maritime traffic, fisheries, aquaculture, offshore energy production, cables and pipelines, submerged hazardous objects, and leisure boating. Visual contents of the HELCOM Maritime Assessment 2018.Shipping and pollution A large part of the report is dedicated to maritime traffic – still the most common maritime activity in the Baltic Sea – and to mapping it on a regional scale. In terms of environmental effects, the report highlights that some types of ship-based pollution have already been effectively dealt with in the Baltic Sea over the last decades, including 90% reductions in both operational oil spills and sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions from ships exhaust gases.For other types of ship-based pollution, recent decisions will result in more reductions in the near future. Those decisions include banning of untreated sewage discharges by 2021 and a requirement of 80% reduction of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions for new ships built 2021 or later. However, some types of ship-based pollution remain unquantified, including litter, chemical residuals, and anti-fouling paints, and others, such as underwater sound, are yet to be addressed. The concluding chapter of the report explores future scenarios of maritime traffic and related environmental regulations.Stable accident numbers, increase in aquaculture and energy productionShip accidents in the Baltic Sea occurred at a fairly stable level of 300 accidents per year during the period 2011–2015, 4 % of which led to loss of life, serious injuries, or environmental damages. The coastal countries have relatively well-developed systems in place to prevent accidents by increasing safety of navigation. As an example, nearly 200 000 km2 of seabed, more than the combined surface area of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, have been resurveyed between 2001 and 2016 by national hydrographic agencies in the Baltic Sea, bringing the accuracy of nautical charts to a new level. The coastal countries also have response resources in place. However, new developments, such as carriage of modern low-sulphur fuels, require updates and new solutions for response procedures.In other chapters, the assessment informs on developments such as the recent and upcoming increases in sea based aquaculture, wind power, and offshore oil and gas production. The chapter on hazardous submerged objects draws attention to the environmental hazards in the legacy of dumped and lost military material, wrecks, and industrial waste.Groundbreaking data useThe report makes unprecedented use of the regional HELCOM Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, including high-resolution information on vessel movements in the entire sea basin since 2005. The extensive data is especially visible in the chapters related to maritime traffic and fisheries. Besides presenting a large number of maps and illustrations, the report includes a detailed description of the methodology used to extract and create the presented information from raw AIS data.The assessment also synthesises a number of other regional datasets on maritime activities in the Baltic Sea area stemming from regular national reporting to HELCOM. These cover issues such as spills observed via aerial surveillance, maritime accidents, response operations, port reception facilities, progress in hydrographic re-surveys, and aquaculture activities.An example of HELCOM collaborationThe 250-page report is the result of a two-year collaborative effort between the editorial team in the HELCOM Secretariat as well as national experts, providing review and additional material, and regional projects.The report is intended to support the update of the “” as well as to benefit the work of the relevant HELCOM Working Groups. It also enables the HELCOM Contracting Parties (Denmark, Estonia, European Union, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation and Sweden) to demonstrate achievements, and plan future regional work, on the regional objective “Environmentally friendly maritime activities”, agreed as part of the in 2007. In addition to this traditional publication, a large number of GIS datasets generated in the process, particularly AIS based maps on maritime activities, are released simultaneously for the general public via the (MADS). These maps are anticipated to be interesting and useful for various purposes beyond HELCOM cooperation, including national maritime spatial planning and research. The code used in producing these datasets is also made available for the same purpose via the GitHub platform, to help similar initiatives within and beyond the region.The HELCOM Maritime Assessment 2018 can be accessed at:

(12 MB) The GIS materials and code underlying the assessment can be accessed at:AIS Explorer: HELCOM Map and Data service, e.g. and GitHub:
 * * *Note for editors

is an intergovernmental organization
made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union.
Originally established in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body of the
Helsinki Convention (1974/1992) are to protect the marine environment of the
Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime
navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission.HELCOM
works to address environmental effects of human activities on land and at sea.
Its working groups consist of national delegates and observers (industry and
civil society representatives). Groups dealing with measures to address
activities at sea include the HELCOM Maritime, Response, Fish and Pressure
Working Groups.The
drafting of an assessment of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea was agreed
by the coastal countries and EU during the 2013 . For more information, please contact:Hermanni Backer Professional Secretary for Maritime, Response and Fish groups HELCOM Tel:  +358 46 8509199 E-mail: hermanni.backer(at)

HELCOM today releases a comprehensive assessment of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea. The report covers a wide range human activities at sea, from commercial maritime traffic to leisure boating and from fisheries to hazardous submerged objects.

Baltic Sea community to decide on renewed efforts for a healthy Baltic Sea

 Today, at the 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, the Baltic Sea countries and the EU come together to decide on renewed efforts to reach a healthy Baltic marine environment. HELCOM – the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – is the arena in which the nine Baltic coastal states and the European Union work together to protect and restore the marine environment of the Baltic Sea. At the today, the responsible Ministers, the EU Commissioner, and other high-level representatives meet to assess the progress made towards reaching a good environmental status in the Baltic Sea. The outcome – the Ministerial Declaration – will form the framework for the following years’ work for a healthier Baltic Sea, following the long tradition of regional HELCOM cooperation.New information to guide new actionsThe recent shows that in spite of some positive signals, the efforts so far have not led to the recovery of the Baltic Sea. This is the first time that a comprehensive assessment of ecosystem health on this scale, based on a wide range of indicators and information on human activities and their impacts, is available as background information for a HELCOM Ministerial Meeting. “Thanks to thorough groundwork, we now understand better than before how the different pressures add up on specific areas, species and habitats in the Baltic Sea,” says HELCOM Chair Ms Marianne Wenning. “Because of this, we know more about what’s important to consider with regard to managing human activities. In this way informed choices can be made in order to reduce environmental pressures.”One reason that the Baltic marine environment has not yet recovered is the long delay between cause and effect, due to the natural features of the Baltic Sea. Further, some actions agreed upon in the (BSAP) from 2007 – the concrete roadmap for restoring the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea – are yet to be completed. In addition, some aspects of the environment have so far not been addressed in Baltic-wide plans and policies.Stepping up and raising the barIn light of this new information, an important part of the Ministerial Meeting today will be to decide both on stronger follow-through on the existing BSAP and on a blueprint and timeframe for updating the BSAP. The current Baltic Sea Action Plan aims for a healthy Baltic Sea by 2021, and rests on actions aimed at eutrophication, hazardous substances, biodiversity, and maritime activities. In the discussions leading up to the Ministerial Meeting, marine litter, underwater noise, and seabed damage and disturbance have been raised as possible additional issues for countries to follow up on more strongly, striving to limit adverse effects by increasing efforts and coordination at regional level. At the Meeting, the high-level representatives will decide on the next steps for these themes: e.g., whether action plans will be developed, whether indicators will be developed to measure these issues, and so on. The Meeting is also expected to follow up on the existing Regional Action Plan for marine litter. The high-level representatives at the Meeting are also set to finalize discussions on a possible future HELCOM strategy regarding nutrient recycling in the Baltic Sea area. This has been one of the goals of the EU chairmanship of HELCOM, as part of the target of promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Nutrient recycling is essential for reducing nutrient losses to the Baltic Sea and for efficiently using the limited nutrient resources.Meeting global goalsA common thread to the themes of the Meeting are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030. The countries around the Baltic Sea have agreed to use HELCOM as the regional arena for coordinating work on those SDGs that relate to marine and water issues. The Meeting follows up on the United Nations Ocean Conference in New York in June 2017, where HELCOM made several towards SDG 14 – “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources”.”The marine environment is threatened in many parts of the world’s oceans and the problems are often of a global nature,” says Ms Wenning. “Many of the UN SDGs are related to the state of seas and oceans so our work can serve as an important contribution to many of the SDGs goals.”The Ministerial Meeting will be chaired by HELCOM Chair Marianne Wenning of the EU. Expected to participate on behalf of HELCOM members are Mr Karmenu Vella (Commissioner for the Environment, European Commission), Mr Esben Lunde Larsen (Minister for Environment and Food, Denmark), Mr Siim Kiisler (Minister of the Environment, Estonia), Mr Kimmo Tiilikainen (Minister of the Environment, Energy and Housing, Finland), Dr Barbara Hendricks (Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany), Mr Kęstutis Navickas (Minister of Environment, Lithuania), Ms Karolina Skog (Minister for the Environment, Sweden), Mr Jānis Eglīts (Vice Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia), Ms Anna Moskwa (Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Poland), and Mr Nuritdin Inamov (Director of the Department for International Cooperation and Board member of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, Russia).The entire Ministerial Declaration will be available online after the meeting at: Twitter hashtag:  * * *More informationReport (PDF, 2 MB) (first version 2017 – to be updated 2018), June 2017, New York NOTE FOR EDITORSThe will be held on 6 March in Brussels, Belgium, under the EU chairmanship of HELCOM. The Ministers of the Environment of the nine Baltic coastal states and the EU Environment Commissioner will gather to discuss the status and the future of the Baltic Sea marine environment. The outcome of the 2018 Ministerial Meeting is expected to revolve around new actions to meet the Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic Sea, strengthening implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan by 2021, and adjusting the Baltic Sea Action Plan based on new knowledge and future challenges. The background to the Meeting is provided by two major reports: (PDF) and (first version 2017 – to be updated 2018).The , usually referred to as HELCOM, is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. HELCOM has worked since 1974 to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. HELCOM is the governing body of the “Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area,” more usually known as the Helsinki Convention.FOR FURTHER information, PLEASE CONTACT:Ms Monika Stankiewicz Executive Secretary HELCOM +358 40 840 2471 monika.stankiewicz(at)helcom.fiMs Sara Estlander Communication Coordinator HELCOM +358 40 482 6103 sara.estlander(at)

Today, at the 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, the Baltic Sea countries and the EU come together to decide on renewed efforts to reach a healthy Baltic marine environment.

HELCOM agreement reached on next steps for a healthy Baltic Sea

​With three years remaining to reach the original deadline for a healthy Baltic Sea in 2021, the Ministers of the Environment and High-Level Representatives of the nine Baltic coastal countries and the European Union, meeting today in Brussels, Belgium, have agreed on new commitments for the Baltic marine environment. The ocean-related UN Sustainable Development Goals form a framework for the commitments.After intensive discussions, the Baltic Sea community today decided on renewed efforts for a healthy marine environment. Convening at the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in Brussels, the responsible Ministers, the EU Commissioner, and other high-level representatives reached an agreement that includes an update of the Baltic Sea Action Plan, intensified efforts to reach the goals of the existing Plan, and a regional strategy for nutrient recycling.High-level representatives at the 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, from left: Jānis Eglīts (Vice Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia), Camilla Gunell (Deputy Head of Government and Environmental Minister, Government of Åland), Karmenu Vella (Commissioner for the Environment, European Commission), Kęstutis Navickas (Minister of Environment, Lithuania), Barbara Hendricks (Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany), Siim Kiisler (Minister of the Environment, Estonia), Kimmo Tiilikainen (Minister of the Environment, Energy and Housing, Finland), Nuritdin Inamov (Director of the Department for International Cooperation and Board member of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, Russia), Anna Moskwa (Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Poland), Esben Lunde Larsen (Minister for Environment and Food, Denmark), Marianne Wenning (Chair, HELCOM), Monika Stankiewicz (Executive Secreatary, HELCOM), Karolina Skog (Minister for the Environment, Sweden).Updated roadmap to a restored marine environmentThe Ministerial Meeting today agreed to update the (BSAP) – the concrete roadmap for restoring the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea – by 2021. The updated BSAP will include new measures that are needed to achieve the existing goals: a Baltic Sea unaffected by eutrophication, a Baltic Sea with life undisturbed by hazardous substances, maritime activities carried out in an environmentally friendly way, and favourable conservation status of the Baltic Sea biodiversity. Recognizing that some actions agreed upon in the original BSAP are yet to be completed, the Meeting also decided on renewed efforts to fulfil the existing BSAP by 2021. Particular focus will be put on addressing those pressures that the report identified as most widely-distributed and harmful, including excess nutrients, contamination, underwater noise, invasive alien species, excessive extraction of fish, and physical disturbance of the seabed. Among other things, the Meeting decided to elaborate regional and national actions to limit the impacts of underwater noise on sensitive marine species.In a significant move towards curbing eutrophication, the Meeting participants committed to developing a Baltic-wide nutrient recycling strategy by 2020, aiming for reduced nutrient inputs to the Baltic Sea and for more efficient use of nutrients. The regional policy will support countries in creating a sustainable and environmentally safe scheme for recycling nutrients in agriculture and from sewage sludge.”HELCOM is a true example of successful regional ocean governance,” states Mr Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment. “The Baltic Sea Region is leading the way with marine protected areas now covering more than 12% of the Sea. It has been designated as Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions Control Area. But we need to step up efforts to address other challenges such as eutrophication, marine litter and underwater noise. The Declaration adopted under EU Presidency by the HELCOM Ministers confirms the commitment by its members to work together to achieve a healthy Baltic Sea.”  HELCOM to coordinate the workA common thread to the decisions made at the Meeting were the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030. The countries around the Baltic Sea have previously agreed to use HELCOM as the regional arena for coordinating work on those SDGs that relate to marine and water issues. The Meeting agreed that the SDGs will be used as a framework when updating the BSAP. The Meeting participants also higlighted the cooperation within HELCOM as a good example that has much to give to other regional seas in the world.The outcome of the Meeting – the Ministerial Declaration – forms the concrete framework for the following years’ work for a healthier Baltic Sea. The work will take place within the long tradition of regional HELCOM cooperation, based on best available expertise, and involving all countries and the EU and various sector ministries within countries.The Ministerial Meeting was chaired by HELCOM Chair Ms Marianne Wenning. Representing HELCOM members were Mr Karmenu Vella (Commissioner for the Environment, European Commission), Mr Esben Lunde Larsen (Minister for Environment and Food, Denmark), Mr Siim Kiisler (Minister of the Environment, Estonia), Mr Kimmo Tiilikainen (Minister of the Environment, Energy and Housing, Finland), Dr Barbara Hendricks (Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany), Mr Kęstutis Navickas (Minister of Environment, Lithuania), Ms Karolina Skog (Minister for the Environment, Sweden), Mr Jānis Eglīts (Vice Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia), Ms Anna Moskwa (Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Poland), and Mr Nuritdin Inamov (Director of the Department for International Cooperation and Board member of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, Russia).The entire Ministerial Declaration is available online at: Twitter hashtag: * * *More information (PDF) (first version 2017 – to be updated 2018)Note for editorsThe 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting will be held on 6 March in Brussels, Belgium, under the EU chairmanship of HELCOM. The Ministers of the Environment of the nine Baltic coastal states and the EU Environment Commissioner will gather to discuss the status and the future of the Baltic Sea marine environment. The outcome of the 2018 Ministerial Meeting is expected to revolve around new actions to meet the Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic Sea, strengthening implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan by 2021, and adjusting the Baltic Sea Action Plan based on new knowledge and future challenges. More information on the .The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as HELCOM, is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. HELCOM has worked since 1974 to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. HELCOM is the governing body of the “Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area,” more usually known as the Helsinki Convention.For further information, please contact:Ms Monika Stankiewicz Executive Secretary HELCOM +358 40 840 2471 monika.stankiewicz(at)helcom.fiMs Sara Estlander Communication Coordinator HELCOM +358 40 482 6103 sara.estlander(at)

The Ministers of the Environment and High-Level Representatives of the nine Baltic coastal countries and the European Union, meeting today in Brussels, Belgium, have agreed on new commitments for the Baltic marine environment.