The HELCOM list of priority substances, adopted in 2025, includes substances and groups of substances that pose the highest anticipated risk to the Baltic Sea, either currently or in the near future. These substances are the strategic focus of HELCOM’s work, with the aim of developing measures to prevent or minimize their release into the marine environment and, where possible, to remediate existing pollution or reduce its impacts.
The HELCOM list of substances of concern is defined in the same way as the HELCOM list of priority substances, but the substances included have a higher uncertainty regarding the actual risk they pose.
The substances have been prioritized based on an assessment following the scheme described in the regional strategic approach. Summary background information about the prioritization process and the concerns for each substance are provided in Annex I of HELCOM Recommendation (coming soon).
Fact sheets
The below fact sheets for HELCOM priority substances and substances of concern provide information on each substance or substance group, including the reasons for its prioritization or classification as a substance of concern, its known sources and pathways as well as on the current regulations.
You can also download all the fact sheets as one document.