HELCOM has updated its data page to offer a more accessible and user-friendly experience, ensuring that all its data products are now easier to find and navigate.
HELCOM collects and maintains a wealth of data on the Baltic Sea, organizing it into various thematic databases accessible through online data portals and services. The newly updated page provides a clearer overview of these resources, making it simpler for users to explore and utilize the information.
HELCOM’s data products can be categorised in four groups:
- Data portals: Currently, HELCOM hosts seven data portals, including the HELCOM Map and Data Service (MADS), which contains all geospatial data used in HELCOM assessments and reports.
- Databases: HELCOM hosts, co-hosts or contributes to 12 databases, covering key topics such as shipping accidents and oil spills. These databases are regularly updated, following regionally agreed reporting formats and quality assurance procedures.
- Data services: Beyond data access, HELCOM also offers data services that enable machine-to-machine communication, allowing GIS professionals, developers, and researchers to seamlessly integrate HELCOM datasets into their workflows.
- Data services: A variety of software tools, developed specifically for HELCOM assessments, are also available through HELCOM’s GitHub repositories.
To explore the updated data page and access HELCOM’s data products, visit: https://helcom.fi/baltic-sea-trends/data
Joni Kaitaranta
Senior Data Manager, HELCOM