WORKSHOP ON THE ROADMAP FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS DESIGNATION OF BALTIC SEA AND THE NORTH SEA NECAS 24-25 May 2016, St. Petersburg, RussiaHELCOM and North Sea countries have decided to apply in parallel for a NECA status for both the Baltic Sea and North Sea areas from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). When enforced, the Emission Control Areas (ECA) for Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), will considerably limit the polluting emissions from ships. style=”max-width:100%;”>The major basis for the workshop is the revised for the Baltic Sea and the North Sea NECAs, which was agreed on at the last HELCOM Annual Meeting on 10 March 2016. style=”max-width:100%;”> style=”max-width:100%;”>To assist the parallel application, the responsible authority in the Russian Federation is organizing a workshop for stakeholders, including governance bodies and administrators as well as technology developers, ship owners and port authorities. style=”max-width:100%;”>If you are interested in registering to the workshop please use the following contacts: Ms Natalia Kutaeva, Councellor to the Director, Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot (MRS)>- morMr. Victoria Gunchenko
– style=”max-width:100%;”> style=”max-width:100%;”>Draft programme will be released soon. style=”max-width:100%;”> style=”max-width:100%;”TOPICS OF THE WORKSHOPThe first day of the workshop will focus on the requirements of the MARPOL Convention on NOx emissions from ships, and the procedures of designation of the emission control areas. Invited speakers will share the latest information on the technologies of the Tier III NOx emission standards, including availability, efficiency and equipment particularities. style=”max-width:100%;”> style=”max-width:100%;”>The second part is aimed at national administrations. Topics will cover experiences of the North American ECAs, benefits of synchronized Baltic Sea and North Sea NECA designation, and also the rationale and status of the IMO application for both Baltic Sea and North Sea NECAs. style=”max-width:100%;”>
The workshop on 24-25 May in St. Petersburg, Russia, will prepare HELCOM and North Sea countries to apply, as decided, in parallel for a NECA status from IMO.